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See the Talk.Origins link "Evolution and Philosophy: A Good Tautology is Hard to Find" for a good refutation of this idea. While it is true that scientists themselves do sometimes mistakenly fall into the trap of using the "survival of the fittest" criterion as a simplistic tautological statement, the strict interpretation of the statement does not depend on a tautological equation.
Strictly speaking, fitness is the degree of match or "fit" between a physical trait and how well that function performs in the environment the organism lives in. Fitness is therefore tied to traits and physical functions and how well they "do the job" they are designed to do in terms of their design--
Fitness, however, can also be expressed as a relative mathematical probability indicating the tendency of a certain trait to survive--
The reality of the situation is that instead of deterministic results (which is what creates the idea of a tautology) there are tendencies to survival of various traits which can be expressed statistically as mathematical probabilities for survival against other variations of the trait. These are not tautological since any given result does not always give the outcome of survival, as a tautological definition would. It is in the statistical aggregate that the fitness of any particular trait can be assessed mathematically. The fittest ought to end up being the ones who survive most often, and to say otherwise is to deny that survival is a legitimate criterion for fitness that can be measured, and that make the fittest (those with the best functional design given the environmental niche) the ones who survive
As John Wilkins puts it on the above web link:
Finally, what creationists rarely bother to mention is that the father of the idea that evolutionary arguments like "survival of the fittest" were tautologies--
As I mentioned in my initial criticism of Fruitarian XYZ's earlier essay on evolution [another Raw-Food posting of theirs that appeared previous to the one debunked here] the most telling and damning argument against creationists is the last one we'll examine here: They have absolutely no serious, testable scientific explanation to offer for the fossil record. None. They never have had (other than the old propositions based on a literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation account, or "'Noah's Ark' Flood theory," and so forth, that haven't long since been falsified). At best, they carp at the details of evolution itself. But do they have an alternative themselves? Nope--
Now the creationists will say that that's just because the scientists won't let them propose their (untestable-
What this means where agreeing to do science is concerned is that you agree that you are going to abide by a few rules as your basis for investigation:
Phillip Johnson quite rightly points out that these are philosophical assumptions. But they are certainly not "bias" in the sense of unfairness. And he has some quite philosophical assumptions of his own. Given Johnson's absolute silence in proposing any kind of testable alternative, he is apparently embarrassed to acknowledge that his only alternative is one based on philosophical irrationality: whenever any "gaps" appear in explanation, why, let's invoke supernaturalism as the cause! And then he is indignant and wants to fault scientists for ruling that out in principle as a NON-explanation because there is nothing in it that can be verified?! I marvel at his naivete. Which is more reasonable: to assume physical things can be explained by physical causes, or to assume instead that if certain things haven't been explained just yet, they in principle CAN'T be, and never
A scientific theory does not rise or fall depending on the existence of a few as-yet-
Science is historical and needs time to proceed--
Science, on the other hand, works with "bulk of evidence," in the midst of whatever amount of remaining uncertainty, as its criterion for giving credence to hypothesis and theories--
Science and creationism part ways in their preferences and methodology at the very beginning--
Both are based on underlying philosophical assumptions. But this does not mean the assumptions underneath science are irrational ones. On the contrary, the assumption that physical events have physical explanations is the rational assumption. The assumption that physical events are explained by supernatural mechanisms whenever physical ones aren't yet known is the irrational one. Despite the fact there is no other logical, testable explanation for how the sequence of fossils in the record could be the way it is other than through earlier ones giving rise to later ones through common ancestry--
Now Johnson likes to throw up a red flag at this point and contend that just because one doesn't have a better explanation doesn't mean we shouldn't accept a bad one (he thinks evolution is a "bad" explanation), and we ought to recognize the possibility there could be other ones and seriously search them out--
The situation we have with evolution is not that the explanations are not good ones or are not supported by the evidence, but instead that no matter how fine-
Fruitarian XYZ for instance, even makes the facetious claim at one point that "they don't know how" the fossil evidence can be accounted for--
This first and final divide between evolutionists and anti-
This is at root the difference between scientists and creationists: the former require evidence to convince them of a theory--
Notice with this strategy that the creationists' program of debate is driven by a negative reaction against evolution rather than defined positively by a physical research program of their own--
The creationists, however, then try to turn the question of evidence around to avoid the uncomfortable spotlight it casts on them, and say that evolutionists are so prejudiced by having jumped on Darwin's bandwagon early on, that no amount of evidence can ever convince them to believe contrary to their theory. But there is in fact one scenario (the only conceivable scenario) that certainly could or would: If the fossil evidence had shown that as far back in time as you care to go, the existence of animal and plant life matched just the kind we have today with no changes in form over the eons--
That being the case, Johnson in the end can only continue banging his gavel at evolutionary biologists to give equal time to his impossible program. Which is that they should industriously try to investigate something else besides the only logical explanation for the evidence (evolution through common ancestry), which he never bothers to define or make any suggestions about. Because of course, if he did, he would be put in the scientifically and academically untenable position of having to suggest that some supernatural force could have arbitrarily engineered the change we see over time in the fossil record. Now just how seriously does he expect scientists to take this proposal? There is no way to do what he is asking. Find an explanation for a supernatural cause that can be confirmed physically and empirically? It's a contradiction in terms. He is such a sophist on this he even has himself faked out thinking it is possible. (This seems to be what happens when we start leaving explanations to lawyers unconstrained by evidence or academic integrity.)
In Darwin on Trial, Johnson engages in the sophistry (slick but fallacious reasoning) of trying to convince us that something that is really an a-priori FAITH (in something behind the physical realm that we can't examine with scientific techniques) is an EXPLANATION for the changes seen in the fossil record. But faith is the very epitome of the lack of an explanation. Which is not to say that there may not be some kind of meaningful, "existential" sense in taking a view of the universe as exhibiting a kind of metaphysical unity that calls forth an emotional response, or sense of communion or oneness with the universe, that we human beings call "God," "the ground of being," etc.
But for Johnson to call the only physical explanation that meets the test of the physical evidence "philosophical materialism" is a gross mischaracterization. Or--
Even if we imagine this kind of universe, the mechanisms still remain the routes through which everything we can see in this world actually occurs. That is, God may be the source, but without the mechanisms, God's "intent" would have no way to express itself in the visible ("material") world.
And why should it make any difference to creationists, anyway, if the only way that things can ultimately reach their visible manifestation in the physical world is through such mechanisms? So what? Does that take anything away from God's power or omnipotence if he/she/it is seen as being behind those mechanisms in some way? On the contrary, it would just show how all-
The idea (even if we were to grant the fact) of God--
The question that I think is interesting in all of this is Johnson seems to overlook that what "materialism" is--
Does he seriously believe that just because something is sufficiently explained by physical causes it makes it a form of "philosophical materialism" to believe so? Are the physical explanations behind why a telephone works the way it does, or for how babies are produced through physical sex derided by creationists and labeled as "philosophical materialism" just because material mechanisms are accepted and no one sees a need to posit supernatural forces or beings as causative in their operation? Are the explanations we have arrived at behind hydraulics that have enabled us to set up waterworks and plumbing so that we can have running water in our houses--
And what would happen if macroevolution becomes completely and fully explainable in the next decade or two by obvious mechanisms (as it looks as if it is on its way to being explained, based on what we have already seen here)? Where will Phillip Johnson be then? Will he then say, "Okay, I give up, and now commit myself to being a philosophical materialist because macroevolution has now been explained"? Of course he won't do that; he will just push the supernatural "event horizon" another step back and say that behind the mechanisms that now explain macroevolution are still more mysterious forces. In fact, the whole of the history of the brouhaha between religion and science has been driven by this process of pushing God back further behind the material phenomena that science keeps progressively explaining. To be fair, of course, not all theists resort to this kind of infinite regress, and instead do genuinely rethink their ideas of God at a
And basically, this is how many people who are scientific can still remain religious, or how those who are religiously inclined can still accept the evolutionary evidence. Johnson himself says on
Yet there are numerous other theists and Christians who have long since made peace with the fact of evolution, and don't see any necessary conflict between its explanations for physical life on earth with an ultimately religious view of the origin of the universe that puts God on another, transcendent level of creation. If they have been able to refine or reframe their idea of God differently in response, so as to be more in tune with what is actually known about the universe (which one would think they ought to welcome the opportunity to do)--
Ultimately I think it probably comes down to the problem most fundamentalist-
Now of course, frankly, I have to wonder if Fruitarian XYZ is the type of person who truly believes in creationism, or is just using its arguments as a front for their dislike of evolution for showing that their idea that pure fruitarianism and vegetarianism constitute the "original" diet for humans is just plain wrong. (Again, this is not to say that there might not be other reasons for a vegetarian diet, but that it is humanity's original, "natural" diet is emphatically not supported by the evolutionary evidence.) For example, in the introduction to their post, Fruitarian XYZ says, "Both the theory of evolution and creationism are forms of pseudo-science"--
And that brings us to perhaps the most telling philosophical difference between evolutionists and creationists or their supporters such as Fruitarian XYZ, which doesn't really have anything to do with any of the specific arguments that we've seen above that Johnson and XYZ have tried to focus attention on. It is instead the issue of making one's arguments under false pretenses. And for that, I'll conclude this section with this quote from "Plagiarized Errors and Molecular Genetics: A Response to David Plaisted," by Edward Max, from the Talk.Origins site (about halfway down the page):
For additional exploration, here are further links to check out:
"Darwin on Trial: A Review," by Eugenie C. Scott, Ph.D., Executive Director, National Center for Science Education. The NCSE is the primary national organization dedicated to promoting understanding of evolution and combatting creationist infiltration of school boards in setting educational curriculums.
"How Did We Get Here?" (an online debate between Phillip E. Johnson (author of Darwin on Trial, and law professor at U-Cal Berkeley) and Kenneth R. Miller (author of the book Biology, and professor of biology at Brown University). Sponsored by the PBS television show on science, Nova. This debate is a good illustration of how the smoothness and glibness of Johnson's presentation in Darwin on Trial breaks down when he is subjected to cross-examination by a scientist who knows the evidence, and when he cannot merely engage in a one-
Miller challenges Johnson two or three times on specific points of the scientific evidence supporting evolution (including the fossil record), for which Johnson cannot mount an effective response. Instead, Johnson changes the subject or returns to his favorite whipping horses instead (such as the straw-
"The Mistrial of Evolution: A review of Phillip E. Johnson's Darwin on Trial." (Review by Terry M. Gray) This critique is by a chemistry professor who is also both a Christian and a theist yet still assesses the evidence for evolution to be convincing, and finds that Johnson sidesteps some of the most powerful arguments for evolution in his book. Gray's review led to his suspension as a ruling elder in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church of which he is a member, on heresy charges--
The encyclopedic Talk.Origins site, a collective outgrowth and project of the regulars on the Usenet discussion group on evolution vs. creationism: talk.origins. If you make one stop, go here. There are links from this site to almost any relevant topic and site that you could hope to find (including creationist ones, although this is itself an evolutionist site) bearing on the debate, and the depth and breadth of links and the cogency of discussion, and references to scientific sources are astounding--
"A Critique of Michael Denton's Evolution: A Theory in Crisis," by Mark Vuletic. Denton's book is one of the additional sources Fruitarian XYZ listed in the reference list for their Raw-Food posting. Vuletic's review takes apart Denton's claims piece by piece and shows that when Denton's arguments are examined by someone who is intimately familiar with the evidence, the deceptions and subterfuges Denton engages in are not hard to uncover.
"Evolution and Philosophy: An Introduction," by John Wilkins. A much fairer overview of the philosophical issues than you'll get in Darwin on Trial. Point 7 also has an (unfortunately all-
"How Science Responds When Creationists Criticize Evolution," by Boyce Rensberger (Washington Post staff writer). Rensberger has done other science reporting before that I have seen, and this is a good introductory "high-
"Frequently Encountered Criticisms in Evolution vs. Creationism: Revised and Expanded," compiled by Mark I. Vuletic. If the previous link is the "beginner's version," this is the college-
"An Introduction to Evolutionary Biology," by Chris Colby. If you have ever been curious about the nuts and bolts of the theory of evolution, population genetics, microevolution vs. macroevolution, punctuated equilibrium, etc., but haven't known where to start to get a good overview of all the relevant details, this is the best crash course in it I have yet seen by someone who really knows their subject inside and out, and with a gift for making complicated things clear. It filled in a number of "missing gaps" :-) in my own understanding, providing an introduction to several things I had been curious about or didn't even know were factors. A very satisfying read if you love to learn and understand and get a grasp of fundamental principles without ignoring the nuances either. It will also give you a grasp of the incredible amount of detail scientists now have for the guts of how evolution actually works at the molecular level as well as within populations of organisms, and all the testable proposals being put forth for how it might work at the macro level still being explored. Colby pulls off the rare feat of making all the "trees" visible while still keeping the "forest" in sharp focus too. Highly recommended--
For "straw man" misconceptions about evolution that are commonplace (especially among creationists), along with the correct interpretations, see the "Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution" FAQ. Covered at this link are the following 5 creationist zingers, summarized below:
See the "Fossil Hominids FAQ" for an introduction to the topic of human evolution. Included here also is a discussion of past creationist distortions that have unsuccessfully attempted (spectacularly failed might be a better characterization) to refute the sequence of various fossil hominid species that have filled in most of the so-called "missing links" between ancient apes and human beings. Also included is a link to the Piltdown Man Home Page, which thoroughly covers one of the most famous hoaxes that embarrassed the scientific community, the lessons learned, and how science recovers from its mistakes.
The following links give insight into not only the past, but the ever-
"Creationist Arguments: Overiew." A brief overview looking at how creationists typically restrict their discussions to fossil evidence that has since been reevaluated, or how they cite the ideas and arguments of scientists whose views have long since been surpassed or discredited, etc., while ignoring virtually all of the most relevant, widely accepted, and comprehensive series of fossils comprising the bulk of the evidence, or the most compelling evidence.
Once you've read the above brief overview, if you find your curiosity piqued, the "Creationist Arguments" link contains a series of further links to all the creationist whoppers relating to the various intermediate fossil hominids leading up to modern humans. Chapter and verse are cited so as to leave no confusion or doubt as to the deceptions the creationists have been caught in, and their woeful ignorance of much of the evidence.
"Creationist Whoppers" (various authors). Examples of creationists caught red-handed in debates or otherwise.
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"Fitness" to Darwin meant not those that survive, but those that could be EXPECTED [emphasis not in original] to survive because of their adaptations and functional efficiency, when compared to others in the population. This is not a tautology, or, if it is, then so is the Newtonian equation F=ma [Sober 1984, chapter 2], which is the basis for a lot of ordinary physical explanation.
This definition of fitness can be used to make predictions about which organisms will survive (as it was used in the Anolis lizard experiments in the Caribbean mentioned above in Section #2 here on macroevolution), thus meeting the scientific criterion of testability.Note 1. The article by Stamos [1996] is by far the best review of Popper's views on evolution, and I recommend finding it if you have access to an academic library. Popper later "recanted" his claim that Darwinism was unfalsifiable and a tautology (which were related arguments in Popper's view), in "Natural Selection and the Emergence of Mind", Dialectica 32(1978), pp. 339-355, but it was rather weakly done. This recantation is rarely cited by those who interminably argue about the tautology argument.
Lastly we come to Phillip Johnson's biggest beef with science:
SECTION 7: The "rules" of science are supposedly philosophically biased by their "materialistic naturalism" and rigged so as to rule out any other explanation than evolution.
SECTION 8: Does all of this make religion and God obsolete?No one should be forced to value the scientific method over religious faith. However,...those who hold a view of creation based on religious faith should not try to pretend that their belief is based on unbiased scientific judgment. ...When creationists invoke the unfathomable workings of God as an alternative explanation for any evidence that contradicts their position, they may satisfy themselves that they can cling to their beliefs without facing a stark challenge to their faith; but when they do so, I believe they relinquish the right to be taken seriously as participants in unbiased scientific discourse.
Additional Web Links on Evolution vs. Creationism
--Ward Nicholson
"The God and Evolution" FAQ. Questions and answers about compatibility of belief in both evolution
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