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An Introduction to Transgenics |
This article is reproduced with permission of
California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc., a
non- Please note that Beyond Veg takes no position on the (controversial) topic
of genetic engineering. We are publishing this article to increase
awareness and knowledge of the topic among
The ringspot virus is the single largest threat to Hawaii's papaya
industry. It destroys leaves, diminishing the quality of the fruit, and
eventually kills the entire tree. There are no chemicals available to
combat the disease. Quarantine programs and rouging efforts by the Hawaii
Department of Agriculture have failed to arrest the problem. There is,
however, new hope as scientists at the University of Hawaii and Cornell
University have developed a papaya resistant to
Nearby, at the University of Hawaii's Plant and Molecular Physiology
Department, scientists are working on a coffee plant that produces
Both these crops are products of the latest in plant breeding: transgenics. Here genes from some organisms are introduced into others with the hope of improving succeeding generations. Through transgenics, a number of crops, including corn, potatoes, cotton and ornamentals, have been developed for pest control and for greater marketability.
A professor of mine, a vegetable breeder, used to speak for hours
of his experiences in crossing wild species of vegetables with domestic
cultivars to produce the desired effects. His challenge was getting plants
from the wild with the desired genes for pest control and hardiness to
breed with domestic plants with genes for the proper size, shape and taste
acceptable to consumers. They were often of different species and not
genetically compatible. He used then-
Traditional techniques to overcome these barriers include surgical
alteration of flower parts, bud pollination, use of mentor pollen, use of
immunosuppressants, in-vitro fertilization, manipulation of chromosome
numbers, and
These techniques have led to an ever-increasing utilization of the
available gene pool. Still, there are limitations as the crosses must be
between two genetically related parents, usually within the same genus.
This limits the gene pool to only those traits available in that particular
group, leaving no available characteristics for such attributes as
decaffeinated coffee and papaya resistance to the
New Techniques for New Times
Transgenics, the latest technology, allows the transfer of genetic
material between totally sexually incompatible species. The genes for
papaya ringspot resistance and decaffeinated coffee come from a virus and a
bacterium respectively. This exchange has augmented the gene pools of a
species to limits
Methods of transferring genetic material include a "gene gun,"
where genetic material from one organism is coated on pellets and shot into
the tissue of another. The result is then cultured and grown for further
breeding and analysis. The most recent techniques use fungi, bacteria and
viruses that transport the gene as they
A Brief History of Transgenics
The toxin produced by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has been
an effective insecticide against feeding Lepidoptera caterpillars. Its
safety to humans makes it even more attractive. First-
About ten years ago, the second-generation products came on the
market. By placing the toxin-
Transgenics puts the toxin-producing gene into plants such as corn
and cotton, giving them continuous protection. It also eliminates the
process of mixing and applying an insecticide, a process that takes hours
Also using transgenics, scientists have bred several varieties of
crops resistant to various herbicides, enabling growers to broadcast a
herbicide over an entire field without
Of the many benefits, one of the most significant is health.
Xerophthalmia is an eye disease that affects five million children and
eventually blinds a quarter of a million each year. A diet adequate in
Vitamin A could prevent this and also prevent two million infant deaths
each year. Scientists are developing transgenic rice high in the vitamin
[note 2] with hopes of mitigating this disease. This rice is a product
of material from a bacterium
Other current health-related research is aimed at developing oral
vaccines in plants to protect humans against a multitude of diseases, a
more convenient vehicle than being given shots
As you read this, research is going on to genetically engineer over
a hundred different crops to provide an environmentally safe alternative to
the use of chemicals. As an example, cotton resistant to Lepidoptera has
reduced chemical use by 6 million pounds of insecticides so far.
Bioengineered plants may provide a safer alternative to synthetic
pesticides but will not completely
Pest Resistance
The development of bioengineered plants is not entirely without risk.
One scientific concern is related to the well-
The adaptation of pests depends heavily on the amount of the
substance applied. The more of the substance in the environment, the faster
resistant strains develop. In the case of transgenic plants, we are
speaking of potentially massive acreages of resistant crops being planted.
The result: a large amount of toxin to hasten the resistance-
Runaway Genes
Another concern with respect to transgenic plants is the escape of
the protective gene into other plant populations. There can be movement of
genetic material through pollen transfer, seed dispersal, and vegetative
reproduction. Consequently, it is possible for the transgenic plant to
cross with its relatives in the wild and for their progeny to pick up
engineered characteristics. Concern is especially great for those species
whose pollen can be transported over long distances. Ultimately, beneficial
organisms may
Some researchers fear a wider ecological impact with transgenic trees.
In forests, damage to non-
Yet another potential result of an escaping gene is the development
of a super race of weeds with resistant qualities. If so, these weeds will
be able to resist moderate applications of herbicides resulting in the
application of even more synthetic
Food Safety
The public tends to view food safety in terms of synthetic
chemicals in our food and drinking water. We establish tolerable limits for
some pesticides. For others, we disallow even the slightest trace to
remain on anything consumed. Let's look at pesticides from another
Plants have their own built-in defenses, and under the stress of a pest attack, will activate these defense mechanisms, many of them chemical in nature. A good number of these are known carcinogens such as those found in peppers and celery. With transgenics, synthetic pesticides use may decline, but will there be a corresponding increase in the levels of natural toxins? If so, at what level will these natural defenses be considered unacceptable?
Bacillus is considered "safe." What about materials from other
organisms? Can transgenic food bring on allergic reaction
Managing the Risks
Once the risks have been identified and characterized, the task of
managing them comes into play. Strategies may include not releasing the
product or restricting it to certain
Resistance management is a buzzword among plant breeders as they
strive to slow, if not eliminate, this process of pest adaptation. In
truth, efforts against pest resistance are not new. The foundation of a
resistance management program is to put less of the toxin in the field,
thereby decreasing chances of adaptation. There are several methods for
dealing with Bacillus resistance--specifically, interspersing transgenic
plants among non-
A number of protocols are used to keep pollen, seed, and vegetative
materials from spreading and escaping. Test plots must be isolated
In corn, tassels and ears are bagged to prevent escape. After tests
are completed, tassels are removed and the surrounding areas treated with a
herbicide and then disked to kill any remaining plants that may
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is at the
forefront for testing and release of these organisms. They decide if field
testing is permitted and if materials may be released to the growing
public. During testing the USDA requires protocols to prevent environmental
damage and will assess possible dangers before
Also involved in the risk-assessment process are the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). The FDA's function is to assure food safety of these products. They
work hand in hand with the EPA, which regulates pesticides under the
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Traditionally
the EPA has not regulated plant material as pesticides. However, with
the advances made in biotechnology, they have expanded the definition of
pesticides to include
As pesticides, transgenic plants must be placed under the same
scrutiny for human and environmental safety as other pesticides before
gaining approval. Then they must be labeled according to law, each label
coming with caveats and specific directions for use to prevent
environmental contamination and human illness. Each label will
be a legal document that must be adhered to
Front-line regulators, used to dealing with pesticides packaged in
bottles, bags and test tubes, will find interesting challenges as these
products enter
Some Ongoing Transgenic Projects
A predatory virus. Scientists have been given permission to field
test a virus engineered to express the insect control properties of a scorpion.
Tests are against the tobacco bud worm and cabbage looper on cotton,
tomato, and
A Mighty Mite. The USDA has granted a permit for testing a
transgenic predatory mite to control the spider mite in a variety
Heat-resistant nematode. Scientists at Rutgers University were
given permission to test a genetically engineered nematode for insect
control. This nematode is designed to withstand heat shock and higher
temperatures than its naturally
No more mushy fruit? Ethylene gas is a ripening agent that can also
spoil fruit over time. Italian scientists have found that an Arabidopsis
[note 4] ethylene receptor gene extends the shelf life of fruits by making them
A greater variety of seedless fruit. Italian and German scientists
produced transgenic eggplant and tobacco plants that set seedless fruit by
engineering them to produce auxin in the unfertilized ovary. They used two
genes, one from a bacterium and the other
--G. Y. K.
About the author:
Gerald Y. Kinro grows fruit and writes agricultural how-to articles "for fun."
His article on the Indian mulberry appeared in the July/August 1997
issue of
Note: we do not have an email contact for Gerald Kinro.
Beyond Veg editorial notes:
1. The article above has been edited for use on Beyond Veg. The original
magazine article includes photos, which we have chosen to not
2. Nutritionally savvy readers will note that plant foods do not contain
3. The article originally read: "...able to resist moderate applications
of herbicides resulting in the application of even more synthetic pesticides."
The last word in the preceding, "pesticides," in context clearly should read as
"herbicides" and we have changed
4. Arabidopsis (thaliana) is a plant that is frequently used as a model for genetic research in plant biology. A web search using the google search engine shows extensive data resources on the plant.
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from the Fruitarian Dreamtime