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R: With apologies to author Desmond Morris, I will refer to this as the "naked ape" hypothesis. The above myth is often repeated, with religious fervor, by some raw-fooders.
Problem: This myth is a denial of reality, and a denial of our real nature. The very definition of human beings that evolutionary scientists use specifies, among other things, that we are intelligent tool-users. Those who promote this myth are denying the use of tools, and they are denying our intelligence; hence they are literally in denial of their real nature. To deny tool use is to make us lower than the chimpanzees (who have been observed using sticks as tools to collect and eat termites, a common food for them). It lowers modern humans to below the level of Australopithecus, one of our prehistoric ancestors who was very ape-like.
Note that some may object to the above on the grounds that humans have taken tool usage too far. However, the use of simple tools for obtaining and processing food (such as stone tools), is well within the evolutionary definition. So this myth can be seen as an insult to humanity, or a denial of our humanity, in a sense.
Additional problems:
R: This is promoted by the "self-healing is the ONLY healing" folks; that myth will be discussed later. If herbs are toxic, why then do many animals use them when they are sick? A large variety of animals have been observed using herbs as medicines, including: chimpanzees, elephants, many types of carnivores, omnivores, and others. It is interesting to note that some raw-fooders promote wheatgrass juice while condemning the use of herbs. That is quite surprising, for wheatgrass juice is a potent medicinal herb.
Additionally, note the medicinal use of herbs by nearly all of the holistic health systems, and the historical use (thousands of years of use) by virtually all indigenous medical systems. Are the raw-fooders who condemn herbs really onto something, or do they simply fail to see the evidence in front
M: The ONLY healing is self-healing.
R: This is a theological/
The point here is that there are many healing modalities, and they all have merits, and also negative points. For example, many rawists reject supplements, yet the supplement manufacturers have reams of testimonial letters, saying how their product assisted healing. So if you favor self-healing, go ahead and promote it. However, don't insult others by claiming that your way is the only kind of healing.
M: Healing is a biological process.
R: This is promoted by the American Natural Hygiene Society (ANHS), and is not a myth--it is true on the physical level. I would like to point out, though, that true healing means that the whole person--the body, mind, and spirit--have healed. So, to be truly healthy, one cannot obsess on the body (as most rawists do), but must take steps to achieve mental and spiritual health as well. (The steps will vary somewhat according to your spiritual inclinations.)
An example will illustrate this. I have encountered fruitarian zealots who loudly proclaim themselves as healthy, while actively promoting hate and fear--which are negative, UNhealthy emotions (i.e., the zealots are mentally/
P.S. I respect the ANHS, and admire their efforts to update natural hygiene to reflect new knowledge.
M: Cooked food is poison.
R: It is true that some types of cooked food are not very good for you when consumed over a long period of time--fried foods, heavily salted food, etc. However, cooked food does not merit the term poison in its normal usage. Even if we expand poison to a less rigorous definition such as "those items one cannot digest," we still cannot say that (all) cooked food is poison.
Another complication: Raw rhubarb and raw kidney beans are poisonous by any definition, and are more poisonous than any cooked food. If one argues that "cooked food is poison" simply means that some cooked foods, but not all, are poison, then by citing the example of rhubarb and kidney beans, one can say that "raw food is poison" using the same logic.
The facts are that some starch foods, and some other foods, are easier to digest when cooked (discussed later). Additionally, some cooked foods, such as steamed vegetables, are not harmful. This may upset some rawists who seek to promote false, idealistic models of nature, but it is reality.
Additionally, one must wonder about the mental effect of such slogans. If one believes them and repeats them often enough, one may develop (irrational) fear of cooked foods. As eating is a major part of life, it can infuse your eating--and your life--with fear. That is a slow but certain path to mental and emotional problems. I would encourage rawists to ignore such bogus slogans.
P.S. Apply simple common sense: if cooked food really is toxic, then we would all have died
M: Raw is law.
R: A cute, but false and meaningless slogan. The idea that animals never eat cooked food is false:
Of course, landfills are not natural, but the animals that feed there are natural. This shows that animals are opportunists, not dogmatists. The animal at the landfill, following instinct, seizes the opportunity and eats the food (cooked or processed) that is available. No "raw is law" dogma for wild animals! If we must be so presumptuous as to claim that we understand nature's laws, then "opportunism is law" is much closer to the truth than the bogus "raw is law."
Note: Some rawists misinterpret the fossil record and claim that it shows that we evolved as natural frugivores/
P.S. Slogans are usually a poor basis for a diet.
M: A 100% raw vegan diet is the most natural, the best, diet for everyone.
R: Everyone is different, and diet must be individualized. There is no one single diet that is "best" for everyone. Some people will do best on raw, others on macrobiotic, and so on. Those who promote the "one true diet" are promoting dogma rather than fact. Also, 100% raw diets are very problematic--100% raw can be a good healing diet, but it has problems as a long-term maintenance diet. (See the Troubleshooting Problems article for more info on this subject.) Quite frankly, I would question any "expert" who tells you that one specific diet is the best diet for everyone on this planet!
Also, the claim to being natural is somewhat questionable, per the discussion of the myths preceding this one.
M: Cooking makes organic minerals inorganic.
R: This is, in general, false, and simply nonsense. It was promoted by Herbert Shelton and
M: You should be a mono-eater (of fruit) because two different types of fruit never grow next to each other in nature.
R: There are reasons why a person might want to consider/
M: Fruit has a nutritional profile similar to mother's milk.
R: False. The protein content for both is low, but they do not match in other important areas:
M: All protein foods, including raw protein foods, are toxic.
R: According to the above, even sunflower seeds are toxic. Those who actually believe the delusion of this myth advocate a diet of fruit, with occasional vegetables. This myth is sometimes promoted with "proof"--detailed nutritional theories that are impressive to the layperson, but utterly bogus and logically invalid when examined closely.
A key part of the "proof" offered by those promoting such theories is that they went on a 100% fruit diet for months, then ate some seeds or nuts and could not digest them. They blame the protein in the seeds. As a former long-time fruitarian who experienced the same thing, I can attest that what really happens is that following a fruit diet for a long time can weaken the digestive system. Then you eat protein food, which is relatively harder to digest than other foods. The obvious result: an upset stomach, maybe even the production of a small amount of mucus, which a few fruitarians see as "proof" that protein is an evil demon and toxic. Silly fruitarians! It's just a weakened digestion--I went through this very same delusion myself, back in the 1970s.
Note that if one goes on a mono-diet of one type of food, the body becomes habituated to it. Then, when one adds a new type of food, it will take the body time to readjust to the new food--e.g., the secretion of additional digestive fluids (stomach acid, liver bile) for the digestion of protein foods. One may also experience this effect after a long fast. Finally, experiencing the "new food" effect only once--because one immediately gives up the "toxic, mucus-producing" food--proves nothing.
P.S. If protein really is toxic, we would have all been dead
M: All raw foods are easier to digest than cooked foods, as the raw foods contain enzymes which are destroyed by cooking.
R: Some cooked foods are easier to digest than raw foods. The starch foods are prime examples of this: potatoes, rice. Heat degrades the crystalline structure of starch, making it more accessible to the enzyme action in your digestive system. Raw starch is hard to digest, but probably won't harm you unless you consume such foods in gross excess (difficult to do). Starch, whether cooked or raw, is not toxic. At least 70% of the world population has a diet based on starch--cooked starch, no less. If it were truly toxic, there would be a lot fewer people on this planet!
Some foods contain antinutrient properties, toxins, and/or taste awful when raw, but are digestible/edible when cooked: large beans, especially kidney beans. Other raw foods have negative side-effects, such as severe flatulence (e.g., raw cabbage, lentil sprouts). Cooking such foods is one way to reduce/
So while many foods are best eaten raw, there are some that are difficult or impossible to eat raw. (P.S. Some types of rice can be sprouted and eaten raw, but it is often very bitter and unpalatable.)
M: Spices are toxic.
R: Is everything toxic to the rawist? It is a shame that many rawists refuse to consider spices because of their ideology. Spices, used properly, can assist/
M: Don't drink juices--they are not a
R: True, juices are not a whole food. Also, one must be careful with juices as it is easy to overconsume them due to their strong taste. For example,
However, juices have important therapeutic properties, and are used extensively in Ayurveda, in the Hippocrates diet, in the Gerson diet, and many other diets. Wheatgrass juice is famous and is the best, easiest way to consume wheatgrass.
Also, wild chimpanzees practice a crude type of juicing, known as wadging. (Wadging consists of crushing foods with the palate, sucking the juices, then spitting out the used wadge.) So juices are "natural" after all, even if we use an electric juicer (instead of wadging) to extract them.
To summarize: Juices, in moderation, can be a beneficial part of a good raw diet. One should not be afraid of juices.
M: Don't drink water. Your food should contain all the water
R: What were the people who dreamed this up drinking? Our close primate relative, the chimpanzees, drink water. Most land mammals drink water; those that do not are the exception, rather than the rule. Refusing to drink water may be the reason some long-time rawists look so dehydrated.
P.S. Some rawists, due to the water content of their diet, may get by on less water than someone on a conventional diet. Still, some water is advisable.
As this article may be controversial, let me briefly address some likely criticisms:
I was 100% raw for several years. When one goes 100% raw, there is often a noticeable improvement in physical health in the short run. But, in the long run, problems are common (verified by my experience and observation). My Troubleshooting Problems article is an honest effort to educate others about such problems and ways to overcome them. So in the long run, one learns (the hard way, if one is dogmatic) that rawism is not a guarantee of health, and that turning simplistic dietary dogma like rawism into a religion (with 100% raw considered to be some bizarre kind of "holy sacrament") is a very bad idea indeed.
Rawism is a tool, to be used to improve your health. Keep it in its place--as a support tool only. Never let rawist dogma rule your life. Your diet must serve you, not the other way around!
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Additionally, an interesting scientific argument can be made (see
(For an extensively documented look at the many differences between fruit and mother's milk, plus the logical problems in equating the two, see the in-depth discussion, Fruit Is Not Like Mother's Milk.)
M: Starch is toxic.
In closing, let me make a few comments:
I hope some of the above was interesting to you. I wish you good health, and good luck with your diet!
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