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Links to Abstracts and Full Text |
For reader convenience, the studies below are grouped by major subject area. Some papers appear in more than one subject category. Citation information is provided for those who wish to access and read complete paper(s). Links identified as Abstract take you to the article abstract on PubMed (MEDLINE: an online index from the U.S. National Library of Medicine); other links are as described below. Most--but not all--of the articles below discuss vegan diets.
Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin)
"Metabolic vitamin B12 status on a mostly raw vegan diet with follow-up using tablets, nutritional yeast, or probiotic supplements."
Donaldson MS.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2000; vol. 44, pp. 229-34.
"Vitamin B-12 status of long-term adherents of a strict uncooked vegan diet (living food diet) is compromised."
Rauma AL, Torronen R, Hanninen O, Mykkanen H.
Journal of Nutrition, 1995 Oct; vol. 125, pp. 2511-5.
Fatty Acids
"Fatty acid composition of erythrocyte, platelet, and serum lipids in strict vegans."
Agren JJ, Tormala ML, Nenonen MT, Hanninen OO.
Lipids, 1995 Apr; vol. 30, pp. 365-9.
"An uncooked vegan diet shifts the profile of human fecal microflora: computerized analysis of direct stool sample gas-liquid chromatography profiles of bacterial cellular fatty acids."
Peltonen R, Ling WH, Hanninen O, Eerola E.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1992 Nov; vol. 58, pp. 3660-6. Also see comment in: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1993 Aug; vol. 59, pp. 2763-4.
"Antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders."
Hanninen O, Kaartinen K, Rauma A, Nenonen M, Torronen R, Hakkinen S, Adlercreutz H, Laakso J.
Toxicology, 2000 Nov 30; vol. 155, pp. 45-53.
"Antioxidant status in long-term adherents to a strict uncooked vegan diet."
Rauma AL, Torronen R, Hanninen O, Verhagen H, Mykkanen H.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1995 Dec; vol. 62, pp. 1221-7.
Body Weight and Amenorrhea
"Consequences of a long-term raw food diet on body weight and menstruation: results of a questionnaire survey."
Koebnick C, Strassner C, Hoffmann I, Leitzmann C.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 1999; vol. 43, pp. 69-79.
"Effects of a raw food diet on hypertension and obesity."
Douglass JM, Rasgon IM, Fleiss PM, Schmidt RD, Peters SN, Abelmann EA.
Southern Medical Journal,1985 Jul; vol. 78, pp. 841-4.
Nutrient Intake
"Survey of food and nutrient intake of Hallelujah (diet) vegetarians."
Donaldson MS.
Nutrition & Food Science, 2001; vol. 31, pp. 293-303.
Full text (pdf download - requires Adobe Acrobat).
"Raw food eaters: health habits and nutrient intake."
Strassner CB, Doerries S, Kwanbunjan K, Leitzmann C.
Poster presented at the 16th International Congress of Nutrition, 27 July - 1 August 1997, Montreal, Canada.
Full text.
"Vegetarian raw food dietary regimens: health habits and nutrient intake."
Strassner CB, Doerries S, Kwanbunjan K, Leitzmann C.
Poster presented at the Third International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition, 24-26 March 1997, Loma Linda, California USA.
Full text.
"Effect of a strict vegan diet on energy and nutrient intakes by Finnish rheumatoid patients."
Rauma AL, Nenonen M, Helve T, Hanninen O.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1993 Oct; vol. 47, pp. 747-9.
Rheumatological Conditions
"Divergent changes in serum sterols during a strict uncooked vegan diet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis."
Agren JJ, Tvrzicka E, Nenonen MT, Helve T, Hanninen O.
British Journal of Nutrition, 2001 Feb; vol. 85, pp. 137-9.
"Fibromyalgia syndrome improved using a mostly raw vegetarian diet: An observational study."
Donaldson MS, Speight N, Loomis S.
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2001; vol. 1, p. 7.
Full text.
"Antioxidants in vegan diet and rheumatic disorders."
Hanninen O, Kaartinen K, Rauma A, Nenonen M, Torronen R, Hakkinen S, Adlercreutz H, Laakso J.
Toxicology, 2000 Nov 30; vol. 155, pp. 45-53.
"Vegan diet alleviates fibromyalgia symptoms."
Kaartinen K, Lammi K, Hypen M, Nenonen M, Hanninen O, Rauma AL.
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 2000; vol. 29, pp. 308-13.
"Uncooked, lactobacilli-rich, vegan food and rheumatoid arthritis."
Nenonen MT, Helve TA, Rauma AL, Hanninen OO.
British Journal of Rheumatology, 1998 Mar; vol. 37, pp. 274-81.
Full text (pdf download - requires Adobe Acrobat).
"Faecal microbial flora and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis during a vegan diet."
Peltonen R, Nenonen M, Helve T, Hanninen O, Toivanen P, Eerola E.
British Journal of Rheumatology. 1997 Jan; vol. 36, pp. 64-8.
"Effect of a strict vegan diet on energy and nutrient intakes by Finnish rheumatoid patients."
Rauma AL, Nenonen M, Helve T, Hanninen O.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1993 Oct; vol. 47, pp. 747-9.
Dental Effects
"Dental erosions in subjects living on a raw food diet."
Ganss C, Schlechtriemen M, Klimek J.
Caries Research, 1999; vol. 33, pp. 74-80.
Fruitarian Diets
"Some biochemical effects of a mainly fruit diet in man."
Meyer BJ, de Bruin EJ, Du Plessis DG, van der Merwe M, Meyer AC.
South African Medical Journal (also known as Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Tydskrif), 1971 Mar 6; vol. 45, pp. 253-61.
PubMed record - abstract not available online.
"Some physiological effects of a mainly fruit diet in man."
Meyer BJ, van der Merwe M, Du Plessis DG, de Bruin EJ, Meyer AC.
South African Medical Journal (also known as Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Tydskrif), 1971 Feb 20; vol. 45, pp. 191-5.
PubMed record - abstract not available online.
Fecal Microbial Flora and Related Topics
"Faecal microbial flora and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis during a vegan diet."
Peltonen R, Nenonen M, Helve T, Hanninen O, Toivanen P, Eerola E.
British Journal of Rheumatology. 1997 Jan; vol. 36, pp. 64-8.
"An uncooked vegan diet shifts the profile of human fecal microflora: computerized analysis of direct stool sample gas-liquid chromatography profiles of bacterial cellular fatty acids."
Peltonen R, Ling WH, Hanninen O, Eerola E.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1992 Nov; vol. 58, pp. 3660-6. Also see comment in: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1993 Aug; vol. 59, pp. 2763-4.
"Shifting from a conventional diet to an uncooked vegan diet reversibly alters fecal hydrolytic activities in humans."
Ling WH, Hanninen O.
Journal of Nutrition, 1992 Apr; vol. 122, pp. 924-30.
"Vegan diet in physiological health promotion."
Hanninen O, Rauma AL, Kaartinen K, Nenonen M.
Acta Physiologica Hungarica, 1999; vol. 86, pp.171-80.
"Effect of a vegan diet on biomarkers of chemoprevention in females."
Verhagen H, Rauma AL, Torronen R, de Vogel N, Bruijntjes-Rozier GC, Drevo MA, Bogaards JJ, Mykkanen H.
Human & Experimental Toxicology, 1996 Oct; vol. 15, pp. 821-5.
"Coumarin 7-hydroxylation in long-term adherents of a strict uncooked vegan diet."
Rauma AL, Rautio A, Pasanen M, Pelkonen O, Torronen R, Mykkanen H.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1996; vol. 50, pp. 133-7.
"Effects of eating an uncooked vegetable diet for 1 week."
Hanninen O, Nenonen M, Ling WH, Li DS, Sihvonen L.
Appetite. 1992 Dec; vol. 19, pp. 243-54.
[Raw food and immunity; article in German]
Gaisbauer M, Langosch A.
Fortschritte der Medizin, 1990 Jun 10;108(17):338-40
Abstract-in English.
Research Tools
PubMed Search Engine - U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Online Access to Full-Text of Journal Articles
Many of the journals listed above offer online subscriptions for a fee. The PubMed abstract usually provides a link to the journal home page (when available). Many University and research libraries have online subscriptions, allowing direct electronic access at those libraries. Also--if the library provides a web proxy service--qualified library users may be able to directly access (from their home/office computers) the electronic version of the journal (usually through a special URL that is different from the journal homepage). Because the full-text access URL often varies by library and/or requires a paid subscription, we provide links to full-text articles here only for those articles available online for free.
The raw research link page on Blake's Health Page was used as the starting point for development of this link list. Thanks to Blake Graham for his assistance in this effort.
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